ETG – An innovative highly concentrated cleaning additive to the windscreen washer system, with aqueous anionic and nonionic tenside solution for cleaning front, back windscreens and headlight lenses. Suitable for both dry and wet conditions. Eliminates glare effect from car wash preserving agents and wax residues, removes insect remains, dirt, bird droppings, pollen, and hazardous greasy films without smearing and squeaking. Helps to protect and prevent wiper rubber from aging and hardening.
- 关于我们 (about us)
- 品质和生产 (Quality and Production)
- 产品 (Products)
- 发动机油 (Engine oil)
- ATF Fluids
- 制动液 (Brake Fluids)
- 冷却剂 (Coolant)
- 尿素 AdBlue®
- 清洁和保养 (Clean & Care)
- 发动机维护 (Engine Care)
- ETG 汽油添加剂 (Gasoline additive)
- ETG 摩托车汽油添加剂 (Motorcycle additive)
- ETG 商用车柴油添加剂 (Truck additive)
- ETG V+ Supreme 高性能汽油添加剂 (V+ additive)
- ETG 柴油添加剂 (Diesel additive)
- ETG 高性能发动机保护剂 (Engine Care and protection)
- ETG 高性能化油器/节流阀清洁剂 (Carbu & Throttle Cleaner)
- ETG 高性能燃油系统清洁剂 (Engine Flush)
- ETG 高性能引擎积碳清洁剂 (Engine Cleaner)
- ETG Flow
- 汽车保养 (Car Wellness)
- 发动机维护 (Engine Care)
- ETG 润滑脂 (Grease)
- 活动 (Events)
- 新闻 (News)
- 联系方式 (Contact)